Monday, October 3, 2011

31 Days {Day 3} What Are You Thinking?

The mind just seems like it never rests.  Outwardly things are busy, the schedule is full and there never seems to be enough time....but inwardly?  Oh baby, that sometimes seems even busier.  Anyone find they can't turn the thoughts off sometimes...lots of times?  Me too. 

I long for organization and beauty in my home and schedule.  Everything in it's place and looking so put together.  But, I've found that if my inner life, my thoughts and my self-talk, is a mess then no matter the progress I make on outward organization, it will never stick if inwardly I'm a mess.  The inner mess will always end up reflecting outwardly.

So, I thought before we tackle Seeking Peace in the Midst of the Mess outwardly, we need to seek it first inwardly.  

I know, I know, doing all the outward stuff is way more fun.  The house organization and the pretty projects are rewarding and everyone sees that stuff so can't we just start there?  Come on, no one sees the inner stuff.  

Or do they? 

Well, actually all that stuff going on inside of you and me does show and can be seen and heard by others.  It shows up in our attitudes, in our words and on our faces (wrinkles anyone?).   It affects the quality of our work, our relationships and even our health.  So believe me, when we're a mess on the inside, we're not fooling anyone, at least not for long.

So what do we do?

Well, a good place to start is by being still.  Rest. Take time to stop running around trying to make everything work.  After you've taken a few deep breaths, take a few more.  Then take some time to write down all the thoughts that are rolling around in your head.  Give them a place to go by getting them down on paper.  

What are you thinking?

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.  Psalm 139:23-24 NLT 

Are you thinking bad things about yourself?  Are you comparing yourself to others or to some imaginary and impossible standard that no one could live up too?  Well, those thoughts offend God.  You know why?  Because He loves you and would never want anyone bullying His child and calling them bad names.  Are you allowing your thoughts to bully you?  Jot them down and get them out of your head today.  Ask God to replace each one of those negative thoughts with a good thought.  Each problem with a solution.
Then throw the paper, with all that negative talk, in the trash. 

The good news is...

You know what else Psalm 139 says?  That God created you.  That what He creates is wonderful.  That He made you with purpose.  That He knows you and His hand is upon you.

So let's you and I receive that today.  And let's hold on to that bit of truth as we rest and give our thoughts a place to go.  And, most importantly, let's carry that truth to help us recognize the bullying thoughts and ask God to replace them with what He says about us.

Are you in?

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SparkN4Him said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Wow Maureen, I never thought of that negative self-talk as bullying. This is just what I needed today. I've been bullied, my kids have been bullied and I despise it. Time to nip this in the bud ... Today!
Psalm 139

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